Revisiting the reason why coaches need to create more content

I’ve been creating content since 2015.
Over these years, I’ve used multiple platforms and talked about so many different things, ranging from philosophy to psychology to my own life.
I’ve spent most of my time creating content because I wanted to share.
I keep learning new stuff very regularly and I love sharing that with others. Content creation helped me pursue that love.
Yes, as I started my coaching business 4 years ago, I did try different marketing and content strategies.
And that took out all the juice from my content habits. That reflected in my audience growth and engagement too. It dropped. Drastically.
As I reflect, I can see what has helped me the most in connecting with my audience — honest conversations about my life and journey.
That’s actually one of the best content strategies too — especially for coaches.
“Try something new. Reflect. Share it with others.”
That’s it. That’s the content strategy.
The new (or old?) content lens
Why did you start your coaching journey?
Because you had a message in you that you wanted to share. Right?
And you must have had some personal experience with your message too — maybe like a story.
Start there.
Share your story — your Struggles, your celebrations, and your honest ups and downs.
Less preaching. More sharing your journey.
Your audience will get inspired through the journey, not the preachings.
Content as a service v/s for marketing
Sharing your journey with honesty and authenticity — that’s one of the biggest services you can offer to humanity.
Of course, it’s even more helpful in the long run if you’ve been exploring and reflecting more and more through this journey.
The crazy part?
You will connect with more and more people through sharing your journey.
These connections become your true loyal audience and fans.
They will eventually become your clients too, of course, if you offer something they want.
Creating content for marketing purposes may not be as long-lasting and impactful as creating content as a service.
And by the way, sometimes mentioning your offer in your content is the biggest service to your audience. Consider that too.
I hope this post inspires you to share more content as a service to your audience.
Best wishes 🙂
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