Growing your creativity muscle

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Have you ever felt like you don’t have any new ideas?
Have you ever felt stuck with limited ideas while creating content?
I’m writing online for 9 years now.
Over these 9 years, I’ve written millions of words. These words have been read millions of times across different social media platform.
I’ve tried 100s of different strategies about practicing creativity.
In this post, you’ll learn the best strategy that has worked for everyone who has tried it.
Understanding Your Creativity Muscle
Here’s your answer to never running out of new ideas…
Grow your creativity muscle.
Like you have bicep muscles in your arms, you also have creativity muscles in your brain.
Here’s how you can exercise your creativity muscle…
Daily Practice
Here are 5 daily practices to grow your creativity muscle —
Write idea lists
Start writing 10 ideas a day. Ideas about what posts you can write, how you can be more productive, people you can help, etc.
In fact, your first idea list can be 10 areas where you can create more ideas.
Read more about this from James Altucher:
Study more
Make sure to spend some time consuming the content of the greats. Choose consciously who’d you want to read/watch regularly. Let them inspire and influence you.
Or don’t, if that works out better for you.
Space & time for reflection
Slow down to speed up. I know I’m also learning.
If there’s not enough space and time for reflection, you wouldn’t get new ideas. Allow your mind to be empty sometimes.
Meditation or journaling — whatever works for you.
Work on your physical fitness
When you move your body and make it sweat, magically you become more creative.
Don’t trust me? Try it yourself.
Allow your body to be in movement and sweat.
Eat better
Your gut dictates how your mind works.
Eat light and experiment with different food items and meal times. See what works for you best.
Before you leave, here’s a solid book recommendation.
Hands down, the best book I’ve read about creativity…
“Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert.
Check it out on amazon here:
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