“I want 10 Million Dollars in my bank account by this weekend.”
I wrote it down when I first read “The Secret” book and the theory of the law of attraction.
If you are one of the few people who hasn’t heard about the law of attraction, it means that you attract in your life anything you focus on.
So, I chose to focus on attracting $10M in my bank account. It was three years ago, silly me!
Not to forget the impact Augustus Waters (from The Fault in Our Stars) had on me, when he said, “The world is not a wish-granting factory.”
I still don’t have $10M in my bank account, but flirting multiple times with the law of attraction in different forms, I discovered a couple of ways on how this law works.
Now, one of the facts is LoA (Law of Attraction) works, even if you don’t believe in it.
Moreover, the Law of Attraction doesn’t have the “No” word in its dictionary. When you say no to things you don’t love, you’re sending bad feeling about those things, and then you attract more of those bad feelings in your life.
Instead, if you shift your focus to things you love, you feel good about these things, and then you attract more of these good feeling things in your life.
The question becomes, why don’t we deliberately try it once at least?
It’s our deliberate choice to decide whether life is happening to me or by me; whether we keep the victim mentality, or take charge and make things happen for us.
Here are five ways to practically implement the law of attraction in your lives.
Alignment With an Imaginary Compass
In the first four months of corona lockdown isolation, I spent a massive chunk of my money, time, and effort in my life coach(es).
As a standard protocol, whichever life coach I worked with asked me this question — “So alright, where do you want to go from here, and why?”
When I answered this question to probably more than ten people with a week, I realized I am not at all clear about the depth of my purpose. I realized I am not clear about my values. I don’t recognize my limiting beliefs.
And then I worked on them. I discovered my “why”. I realized what my core values, beliefs and the abundance blocks are.
And how did it all impacted me?
Right after I invested in my coaching, directly after I aligned my purpose, goals, and actions in a single direction; my monthly income grew triple. Not double… triple.
I witnessed the magic of purpose and alignment.
It doesn’t take “time” to make money; it takes alignment.
I see how a lot of people still don’t have a clear purpose. A lot of them don’t know “why” they are doing whatever they are doing.
It became a mission for me: I’ll help 10,000+ people align their actions, emotions, and thoughts in a single direction.
By the way, do you want to see what alignment looks like?

My business coach Liz Huber sent me this email as the summary of our 1st coaching call, dated 29 April 2020, where we noted my 3-month goals.
One of my 3-month goals was to quit my full-time job.
And guess what?
When I aligned my purpose, goals, actions, thoughts, emotions, and everything else in 1 direction, it took me half the time to accomplish these goals.
I resigned from my job on 12 June 2020. Within 1.5 months of mentioning my 3-month goals.
Consider this for a minute. What if…
1) Do your actions and thoughts align with each other? You execute whatever you think. (And don’t just daydream)
2) Your emotions align with your efforts. So your emotions support your efforts, and they don’t create chaos in your life.
3) Your personal and professional lives align in one direction. And your career, your passion, your hobbies — everything works in a single direction as per your values — what you want from life.
For the past few months and years, I have been working on aligning these elements in one direction — my goals, my purpose, my career, my thoughts, my actions, my emotions.
And now they are aligned with each other; I can witness the manifold increased impact of all that.
Whenever and whatever I do now, I put it on an imaginary compass.
This compass directs to my ultimate purpose and vision of life.
And so if the new “decision” aligns in the direction on this compass, I’ll take it.
Otherwise, I am not afraid to pass on the opportunity.
Would you like to design such an effective compass ???? for your life as well?
Your Mission Statement
I often start a lot of conversations with — “If I were a genie, and whatever is your wish, I am going to make it true… what would you ask from me?”
And if you take more than a few seconds to answer this question, that means you aren’t clear about your dreams.
Since childhood, when we have been crushed so many times, when we have received so many rejections, we become afraid to dream when we are adults.
We kill the little kid inside of us who liked to dream. Do we have to, though?
Having dreams, having a clear mission statement (with specificities) make sure that you attract all the props that will make your journey smooth and accessible.
If you hop on a cab and can’t tell the driver where exactly do you want to go, what would that make you?
So, write your mission statement.
Why are you doing whatever you are trying to do?
Write a letter to yourself about your mission statement.
By the way, this mission statement will keep updating time to time.
So don’t worry if you get a thought “Oh, but what if I don’t what would I do three decades later in life?”
Come on. Long or short, start somewhere.
And then keep updating your mission statement.
The Attitude of Gratitude
Stoics call it “Amor Fati”, and others call it “The Secret” — everything resonates with the practice of gratitude.
- You say ‘thank you’ for what you have.
- You say ‘thank you’ for what you never had.
- You say ‘thank you’ for all the challenges and all the obstacles.
I did create an online course around this; it was named “The Gratitude Lifestyle”. (For some reasons, it’s not available right now)
I noticed how most of the self-help books talk about making gratitude lists.
But thanking same people, again and again, gets boring after a while. So I developed a 10-day program where I used to propose ten different gratitude lists you could be making. Here’s an idea what it was about:
- Day 1: Gratitude for what you have
- Day 2: Gratitude for what you lost
- Day 3: Gratitude for your food
- Day 4: Gratitude for everything you can touch within the next 2 minutes
- Day 5: Gratitude for everything you can never touch (e.g., someone’s love)
It turns out, if you spice it up, all this becomes a cool activity.
The objective here is to shift your focus. We need to drop the victim mindset and take charge of our life.
Try this one experiment about gratitude.
Whenever you pay someone, even for a coffee, or whenever you receive any payment or salary, close your eyes for a moment, and feel gratitude about the money.
When you pay someone, feel grateful about being in a position to offer money to someone.
Money is a powerful resource. And you are offering gratitude that the universe chose you as a source to send this resource to others.
When you receive any money, feel grateful about receiving the power of helping so many lives with this resource.
Feel grateful that the universe chose to bless you with such a powerful resource.
I learnt this one directly from Mindvalley co-founder, Vishen Lakhiana.
And I am not sure how, but I have witnessed my money grow after this one activity.
Personal Affirmations
For the past four years now, I have been working 12–14 hours/day on average, including most weekends. I am that hustle guy, yeah.
And that has served me tremendously. People are amazed by how quickly I go from idea to execution, from learning to earning from a skill.
But what I earn now is significantly more than what I used to make when I started.
If I want to be more successful and if I want to earn more money, maybe working more hours isn’t the answer to that.
I doubt if Mark Zuckerberg gets a few extra hours a day more?
But he for sure earns a lot more than me.
That means, there are contributing factors other than hard work.
One of the most significant factors is “value” — how much value do I provide in this world.
If I am a sweeper at a local restaurant v/s if I am a sweeper at White House — with the same tasks, I have a lot more value and responsibility. And this will reflect in my bank account.
More hard work = More money/success
[False. False. False.]
This one is another limiting belief I conquered in the past few months.
I realized it doesn’t take time to make more money; it takes alignment.
Going back to the law of attraction — you attract in your life, anything you focus on.
I meditated and journaled about my limiting belief, turning it into an abundant, powerful belief.
I did some inner child healing.
Affirmations help in this case, but not the random affirmations you read online.
You need to figure out your personal affirmations. You have to connect them with your past experiences. And repair those previous incidents in your head with the new beliefs via affirmations.
That’s how affirmations impact the most powerful.
And guess what? You attract in your life anything you focus on.
I witnessed myself growing out of imposter syndrome and working towards an abundance lifestyle, by practising personal affirmations.
Visualization (With All of Your Senses)
I was looking for ways to unlock the next level with LoA.
This is directly coming from my coach, who suggested I must take my visualization practice to the next level by involving all of my senses to the practice.
So now when I visualize, I also visualize the sense of touch, taste and smell.
I have a figure in my mind that I will be earning within the next 15 months. And after that, I will shift lanes in my life.
I visualize how would it feel to get all the things I ever wanted; how would it feel to taste my food then, how would feel to touch my MacBook then, and how would it feel to sense the petrichor then.
What is something you want in your life?
Can you imagine how a typical day would look in your life when you finally have what you always wanted in your life?
This is an ongoing experiment, and I am yet to see its results. Looking at the history of my experiences, I’m pretty confident this will be successful too.
There are three ways I have practised visualization in my life:
- Meditation
- Journaling
- Deliberate dreams
Nothing fancy. You sit. You breathe. And you let go of everything.
Slowly, you start focusing on ONE THING. You begin visualizing each body part of yours when you’re finally there.
You involve your senses later. You smile, and you inhale deeply, welcoming all the changes in your life with open arms.
And then you repeat this process over and over again.
Pick out your notebook and pen, and let’s answer some questions. That’s how journaling works, right?
- What is the ONE THING you want in your life?
- Why do you want it so much?
- When will you get this?
- What will be the three emotions you will feel the most when you get this?
- How will getting this change your life?
- Once you get this, imagine an average day in your life. Write down about your routine on that day.
Journaling, in this way, will create an identity shift for you. Your focus will shift to living this new life the moment you write about it.
Deliberate Dreams
I do this before sleeping. And I didn’t realize up until recently that this practice is so powerful.
Before going to sleep, you turn on your imagination.
You keep your eyes closed, and you start imagining how would it feel for you to live your dreams.
Involve all of your senses in your imagination.
Imagine what would you eat as a celebration when your dreams come true.
Imagine whom would you hug first when you are crying the tears of joy.
Imagine how the food will smell when you celebrate.
I love this one practice so much; imagining your future self the way you want it to be.
Slowly, you will fall asleep while dreaming all this. And for your subconscious, your dreams become your reality.
If your dream is to have six-pack abs, you will start doing what a person with six-pack abs needs to do.
The only shortcoming is, all of this doesn’t happen overnight. So you need to give it its required time. Practice patience, and let the law of attraction work for you.
The Law of Attraction is working whether you believe it or not. The question becomes, are you ready to deliberately manifest all the elements of life you always wanted to live?
Here are five unbelievably practical ways to implement the law of attraction:
1. Align your purpose, emotions, actions, and everything in one direction. Design an imaginary compass. Point it towards your life purpose, and put everything on this compass to see if everything aligns in a single direction
2. Repeat your mission statement every day to yourself. Let it evolve on its own. And enjoy this period of growth.
3. Practice gratitude as much as you can. Make gratitude lists. Focus your shift from a victim mindset to a grateful mindset. Thank all the materialistic items. Appreciate all the non-materialistic items. Thank everything you have lost. Thank everything you still have.
4. Detect your limiting beliefs, and work on them with affirmations. Work with a mindset coach to recognize your limiting beliefs, and practice inner child healing to get over them.
5. Visualize your dreams, and involve all of your senses in your visualization. Journaling, meditation, deliberate dreaming — whatever works for you. Practice aligning your dreams with your reality.
This is good piece of advise plus great article starting the week before I sleep
thank you 🙂 I am glad you find it useful!