Last night we did a 15-min training in our mastermind group on the topic “Underrated way of serving your coaching clients”.
Sharing the summary of the training here. Enjoy this mini-masterclass 🙂
- Give some bonus. In the beginning, that could be an extra (free) coaching session. As of now, I reach out to my mastermind group clients personally to check-in with them, every few weeks. Earlier I used to gift a book whenever someone joined my life coaching program. That’s my way of offering some bonus support. What’d be your bonus to offer?
- Document/Record the repetitive links. Create a Google doc and mention all the templates you have, eg — your coaching agreement, asking for testimonials, some particular form you wish your clients to fill, etc. Thi doc will make it easier for you and for your clients to have everything in one place.
Here’s what my onboarding document looks like at the time of writing this.

Whenever I work with someone in my 1:1 coaching, I create a separate Google doc for them. It helps them have all the important links in one place. Something like this —

3. Literally ask them what they want. Don’t hesitate in asking. Drop your “smart coach” hat and trust their ability to know. One of my favorite questions to ask —
On a scale of 1 to 10, what kind of coaching would you want in this session? 10 being super blunt, 5 being talking to a friend where I might be a little diplomatic in my approach, 1 being motherly kind of love where I might even agree to your sweet lies.
Trust their awareness and their ability to decide what’s best for them.
And this #3 points brings us to #4 and #5 points.
4. Listen and only listen. No judgments. No gestures. No questions. No clarifications. Simply, let them talk. Let them vent. No need to make them feel empowered. For one session your whole focus could be to make them feel heard. Because that’s what we all need sometimes.
5. Interrupt. Mindfully. Help them see a new perspective. Play with their thoughts. Be mindful when you interrupt. Question their beliefs. Interrupt their thinking patterns. Seek permission during the session, “Hey, I might interrupt you during the session, and I promise to do it mindfully.” And when you interrupt, set the context, “Hey, I know I’m interrupting. I’m doing this mindfully. Thank you for cooperating”. Be gentle and thoughtful.
About My Mastermind Group “The Lotus Circle”
This group program is for coaches who…
- are done playing small, being inconsistent, and feeling distracted / confused / overwhlemed.
- have at least 7–8 hours/week to grow your coaching business.
- whose topmost values include alignment, authenticity, love, service, and relationships.
- are ready to participate in co-learning with a (small) community of like-minded coaches, who’re moving forward with the same goal.
INR 11,111 / USD 151 monthly for 12 months
This is an application-only program.
Check all the details here —
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