This is a super common problem with coaches, especially those who are new to the content creation journey.
When you start creating content, you may feel lots of fears surfacing, i.e fear of rejection, judgment, failure, etc.
Or, maybe perfectionism or some past trauma about being seen is causing you to not show up powerfully and consistently on social media.
Yep, it’s tough — considering when lots of us try to stay hidden forever.
Let’s start by asking…
Why did you become a coach?
Why are you trying to create clients?
Why are trying to create content and struggling?
Hint: Because you wish to help and serve others.
The quickest way to get rid of all these resistances (fears, insecurities, etc) is to recentre yourself to service and love.
It’s natural to get lost and sometimes forget why you were doing all this in the first place.
How do we switch back to service and love?
Pause. Take a deep breath.
Inhale deeply and say out loud, “I’m here to serve and love”.
Exhale slowly.
Repeat this a couple of times and sit in silence for a bit.
Notice if your energy shifts to service and love.
If not, have a glass of water and sit again. Repeat this for a little longer.
When you feel centered, it’s time to write your post.
Pick out your pen and paper, and think of 1 question a client has recently asked you; anything about the problem you solve, your programs, your own experience with the problem, etc.
Write the post thinking you’re answering that 1 person.
Hit publish.
Fun Fact
I’ve written this as a result of answering one of my client’s questions, exactly like how I mentioned in the post above 🙂
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